
Building Documentation

To build the documentation you first need to install all documentation dependencies:

pip install -r docs_require.txt

Then you can build the documentation:

python build_sphinx

Running Tests

Before you can run tests, you need to install the requirements. These consist of the requirements to create docs (for doctests) and pytest:

pip install -r tests_require.txt


mock is an unnecessary requirement for users of python 3.3 and above, but it is included in the above file unconditionally.

Now you can run your tests with:

python test

If you need more control over which tests are executed, you can also execute pytest and doctest directly:

py.test tests/
make -C docs/ doctest


Our tests are also run against templates. However, as they are not python files, the test suite automatically compiles them into a temporary directory. This directory should never be checked into GitHub and also be removed before installing the library (it does not hurt, it just pollutes the directory).

Running tests against templates also is included in coverage (the reason why we need an accessible template module directory). The coverage values are reported by Travis CI to coveralls. However, since the code for this is not on GitHub, you cannot see which lines were missted online. Instead, you need to run those tests locally and get coverage output with coverage html after you have run the tests.
