
Changing a Single Template

Changing a single template is as simple as copying it from the default theme and adjusting it to your needs. For example, say you want to change the list.mako template. You copy it over and start editing.

cp /path/to/pyramid_crud/templates/mako/bootstrap/list.mako my_library/templates/crud/list.mako

After you are done editing the template, you need to configure your view to load it:

class MyCRUDView(CRUDView):
    template_list = 'crud/list.mako'

This is all assuming the crud directory can be looked up (in the example above, you would need my_library/templates to be in mako.directories).

For an explanation of each template and some additional details, see Create a Complete Theme.

Create a Complete Theme

The default theme uses Bootstrap which looks nice but also not really unique and does not integrate at all with your own application look. Thus, you might want to roll your own look for all views. This is easily possible with the theme configuration parameter.


This is an advanced technique. A lot of knowledge about the rest of the library is assumed throughout this section and so it is recommended that you make yourself familiar with the rest of the documentation before taking on own themes.

It is perfectly okay to create your application with the default theme first and change it afterwards to your custom theme. This way you familiarize yourself with the library and have it much easier understanding what is going on here.

The best way to roll your own template is to copy the default template from pyramid_crud/templates/mako/bootstrap. Let’s say you want to create your own theme by the name my_crud_theme. First you copy over the theme folder:

cp -a /path/to/pyramid_crud/templates/mako/bootstrap my_library/templates/my_crud_theme

Now you can directly enable your theme by configuring the theme variable with the setting my_crud_theme (this is assuming that this folder is in your mako.directories path). With this, you should already have your new template enabled.


If you want to configure a default template, just create your own intermediate base class that defines the theme parameter. This isn’t a very pythonic solution but it works and is very flexible.

Now you should fire up your text editor and take a look at the files in your new theme folder. Here is a description of the files used:


Each file receives the usual request and view parameters pyramid passes in by default.


Contains the basic template with style sheets, flash messages and everything else that each template needs. You will define your own look here.

If you already have your own template, you don’t need this file and can delete it. You then have two options for configuring a custom base template:

  • You can statically set the path in each <%include statement in the inheriting templates or
  • You can define template_base on the view and set it to the path of your own base template. It will then take this path as the base for all your templates and the regular base file is not needed anymore.

If you roll your own base, pay attention to the flash messages and their queue names: They are currently statically configured and so you have to read these queues or won’t see any messages at all.

Also pay attention to the blocks used by inherting templates and either change them or define them in your base (e.g. head and heading).


A simple list view. It gets two arguments: The items parameter is a query that you can iterate over to get the object instances for each row. The action_form parameter is a form instance with the following fields:

A select list where you can choose an action and execute it on multiple items at once (see Adding Actions to Forms).
A field that has one checkbox field for each item in the items iterable. If you iterate over it, you get a single field that renders to a checkbox. In the default implementation, zip() is used to provide each loop iteration with a single checkbox field and the corresponding item.
A CSRF token field. This is required and must be displayed somewhere in the form or the validation will fail.
A submit button that sends the form to execute the actions on the selected items.

The view of a single item being edited. In the default implementation, this loads a fieldset for each configured fieldset on the form and then loads an inline template for each configured inline on the form. It receives the following parameters:

A form representing the item being edited. It is an instance of your subclassed ModelForm. Look at the documentation for Forms for more information on supported methods (make sure to also checkout linked documentation from there).
A boolean representing whether this is a new item or not.

This template is invoked after the delete action was called and displays an intermediate view to make sure the user really wants to delete the selected items. It gets the following arguments:

The same form that the list view got as action_form
The list of items to be deleted.

Any file in this folder is considered an inline template to be included. The following parameters are given during inclusion:

The class that is inlined (not an instance!). It is the subclass you made from base of BaseInLine.
Instances of the above inline parameter, each being a form to be displayed inlined.

This file is used by the edit.mako template for each fieldset that should be rendered. It gets a single fieldset argument which is a dict with the following keys (note that it also keeps globals of the parent):

The title of this fieldset, usually displayed in a <legend> tag.
A list of field names on the form. Use these to retrieve the correct field from the form instance. This is used instead of iterating over the form so you can group the fields into fieldsets.

You often don’t need to edit all of the files if you don’t use them. For example, the grid fieldset is just a special case and can often go unused (you can delete it if you never use it on any fieldset). You can also often keep the default template if you like the way they do things and just style them by creating your own stylesheet using the same classes bootstrap does.

Keeping Some Templates from the Default Library

Sometimes you might want to change the complete look and overwrite most of the templates but keep some of them from the old library. You could just keep the original copy you made above but that is not a good idea because you might miss out on updates to the templates. You can abuse the template_* setting for this, as it works both ways: Just set it to the path of the template you want to keep. For example, to keep the delete_confirm template but overwrite everything else, configure your view like this:

class MyCRUDView(CRUDView):
    template_delete_confirm = 'pyramid_crud:templates/mako/bootstrap/delete_confirm.mako'

Note how this is the full asset specification of the template because it is not in any of the directories configured with mako.directories. Also note, that you cannot do this with templates in subdirectories (see template_* for an explanation and solution).

Supporting Different Template Engines

Supporting another template engine is very simple. Assuming you already use them in the rest of the application, you have them set up anyway. Once you have a theme for this engine, you can just set it to the file extension of this theme.

Let’s say, for example, you have created a Chameleon theme with all file names ending in .pt. If you have this renderer enabled properly, it will automatically be chosen correctly, if you give pyramid a path to a file ending with .pt. Thus, in addition to configuring your theme (see above), you just configure the template_ext parameter to .pt and are good to go. This is what your view might look like:

class MyCRUDView(CRUDView)
    theme = 'templates/my_chameleon_theme'
    template_ext = '.pt'

Now assuming the lookup is correctly configured, this will fetch the templates using the correct renderer.